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Wave control and Manipulation by Acoustic/Elastic Metamaterials
I. Asymmetric wave transmission in Acoustic/Elastic Metamaterials A diatomic acoustic/elastic metamaterial with large asymmetric wave...

Tailoring Thermal Conductivity in Nanophononic Metamaterials
Our research presents theoretical and numerical investigations of the dynamics and thermal transport properties in various locally...

Impact Mitigation Using Elastic Metamaterials-based Structures
I. Impact mitigation using meta-lattice truss core sandwich structure A novel and original meta-lattice truss core sandwich structure,...

Impact performance of advanced composite structures at arctic condition
The impact performances of stitched composite laminates and composite sandwich structures at various temperature conditions (-70℃~150℃,...

Damage Identification Based on Lamb Waves
1. A quantitative expression of anisotropic wave front was proposed to reveal the direction dependency of Lamb wave propagation in...

Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) in Complex Sandwich Structures
1. A baseline-free vibration-based method was proposed to localize the slight damage in composite lattice core sandwich structures; 2....

Damage Detection Based on Pulsed Thermography
A reference-free pulsed thermography method was developed to quantitatively estimate the flat-bottom holes and delamination in plate-like...
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