Tailoring Thermal Conductivity in Nanophononic Metamaterials
Our research presents theoretical and numerical investigations of the dynamics and thermal transport properties in various locally resonant nanophononic metamaterials. Remarkably, the thermal conductivity of the resonant branched nanostructure can be tailored close to zero at the vicinity of local resonances with flat dispersion curves.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2
Read the full article(s):
1. B. Li, K.T. Tan, J. Christensen. Tailoring the thermal conductivity in nanophononic metamaterials, Physical Review B, 95 (2017): 144305.
2. B. Li , K.T. Tan and J. Christensen (2018). Heat conduction tuning by hyperbranched nanophononic metamaterials, Journal of Applied Physics, 123, 205105 (2018): 205105.