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Journal Publications

* denote corresponding author

40. Y. Hu, Y. Zhang, G. Su, M. Zhao, B. Li*, Y. Liu*, Z. Li. Realization of ultrathin waveguides by elastic metagratings, Communications Physics, 5, 62 (2022).DOI

39. Y. Zhang, Z. Sha, G. Su, H. Zhou, P. Jiang, Y. Liu*, B. Li, T. Wang*Ultra-compact metafence to block and channel mechanical waves, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 52, 01659 (2022).. DOI

38. H. Kalhori*, A. Shooshtari, S. Tashakori, B. Li. Mechanical behavior of a rectangular capacitive micro-plate subjected to an electrostatic load, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, (2022)DOI

37. H. Huang, E. Cao, M. Zhao, S. Alamri and B. Li*. Spider-web-inspired lightweight membrane-type acoustic metamaterials for broadband low-frequency sound isolation, Polymers,13(7), 1146 (2021)DOI


36. H. Li, Y. Hu, H. Huang, J. Chen, M. Zhao and B. Li*. Broadband low-frequency vibration attenuation in 3D printed composite meta-lattice sandwich structures, Composites Part B, 215, 108772 (2021)DOI

35. B. Li, C. Zhang, F. Peng, W. Wang, B.D. Vogt* and K.T. Tan*. 4D Printed Shape Memory Metamaterial for Vibration Bandgap Switching and Active Elastic-Wave Guiding, Journal of Materials Chemistry C,  9, 1164-1173  (2021, Front Cover). DOI

34. M. Elamin, B. Li and K.T. Tan*. Compression After Impact Performance of Carbon-Fiber Foam-Core Sandwich Composites in Low Temperature Arctic Conditions, Composite Structures, 261, 113568 (2021). DOI

33. H. Kalhori*, B. Halkon, B. Abbasnejad, B. Li, A. Shooshtari. Nonlinear Vibration of an Electrostatically Excited Capacitive Microplate. Book Chapter in Vibration Engineering for a Sustainable Future. Springer, Cham (2020). DOI

32. X. Zhang, X. Chao, L. Lou, J. Fan, Q. Chen, B. Li, L. Ye and D. Shou*. Personal thermal management by thermally conductive composites: A review, Composites Communications, 23, 100595 (2021)DOI

31. B. Li, Y. Hu, J Chen, G Su, Y Liu*, M Zhao, Z Li. Efficient asymmetric transmission of elastic waves in thin plates with lossless metasurfacesPhysical Review Applied, 14, 054029 (2020)DOI

30. F. Zhang*, F. Shen, B. Li, B. Yuan, B. Li. A Comparison Investigation on Cylinder Test in Different Ambient Media by Experiment and Numerical Simulation, International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, (2020). DOI

29. M.H. Khan, B. Li, and K.T. Tan*. Impact Performance and Bending Behavior of Carbon-Fiber Foam-Core Sandwich Composite Structures in Cold Arctic Temperature, Journal of Composites Science, 4: 133 (2020)DOI 

28. H Kalhori*, MM Alamdari, B. Li, B Halkon, SM Hosseini, L Ye, Z L. Concurrent Identification of Impact Location and Force Magnitude on a Composite PanelInternational Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2020DOI

27. S. Alamri, B. Li*, G. Mchugh, N. Garafolo and K.T. Tan*. Dissipative diatomic metamaterials for broadband asymmetric elastic-wave transmission, Journal of Sound and Vibration,  451(2019): 120-137DOI

26. M. Jaberzadeh, B. Li and K.T. Tan*. Wave propagation in an elastic metamaterial with anisotropic effective mass density, Wave Motion89(2019): 131-141DOI

25. B. Li, Z. Li, J. Christensen and K.T. Tan*. Dual Dirac cones in elastic Lieb-like lattice metamaterials, Applied Physics Letters, 114 (2019): 081906. DOI

24. B. Li, Y. Liu and K.T. Tan*. A novel meta-lattice sandwich structure for dynamic load mitigation, Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 21 (2019): 1880-1905. DOI

23. S Li*, Y. Dou, J. Xu, T. Chen, B. Li, and F. Zhang. Designing a broad locally-resonant bandgap in a phononic crystals. Physics Letters A, 383 (2019): 1371-1377. DOI​


22. S. Li*, Y.,Dou, T. Chen, Z. Wan, J. Huang, B. Li and F. Zhang. Evidence for complete low-frequency vibration band gaps in a thick elastic steel metamaterial plate. Modern Physics Letters B (2019): 1950038. DOI

21. M. Elamin, B. Li and K.T. Tan*. Impact Performance of Stitched and Unstitched Composites in Extreme Low Temperature Arctic Conditions, Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials 4 (2018): 317-327. DOI


20. M.H. Khan, M. Elamin, B. Li* and K.T. Tan*. X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography Analysis of Impact Damage Morphology in Composite Sandwich Structures due to Cold Temperature Arctic Condition, Journal of Composite Materials 52(2018): 3509-3522DOI


19. B. Li, K.T. Tan* and J. Christensen. Heat conduction tuning by hyperbranched nanophononic metamaterials, Journal of Applied Physics 123, 205105 (2018): 205105. DOI


18. M.H. Khan, B. Li and K.T. Tan*. Impact load Wave transmission in elastic metamaterials, International Journal of Impact Engineering 118 (2018): 50-59. DOI

17. M. Elamin, B. Li* and K.T. Tan*. Impact Damage of Composite Sandwich Structures in Arctic Condition, Composite Structures  192 (2018): 422-433. DOI


16. S. Alamri, B. Li* and K.T. Tan*. Dynamic load mitigation using dissipative elastic metamaterials with multiple Maxwell-type oscillators, Journal of Applied Physics 123 (2018): 095111. DOI


15. Z. Li*, J. Zhou, B. Li, Y. Liu and X.Y. Su. Experimental study of thermal buckling of lightweight lattice sandwich panel, Journal of Experimental Mechanics 33 (2018): 167-174. In Chinese. DOI

14. B. Li, S. Alamri and K.T. Tan*. A diatomic elastic metamaterial for tunable asymmetric wave transmission in multiple frequency bands, Scientific Reports 7(2017): 6226. DOI


13. B. Li, K.T. Tan, J. Christensen*. Tailoring the thermal conductivity in nanophononic metamaterials, Physical Review B 95 (2017): 144305. DOI

12. B. Li  and K.T. Tan. Asymmetric wave transmission in a diatomic acoustic/elastic metamaterial, Journal of Applied Physics 120 (2016): 075103. DOI


11. H. Kalhori, L. Ye*, S. Mustapha, J. Li, B. Li. Reconstruction and analysis of impact forces on a steel-beam-reinforced concrete deck, Experimental Mechanics (2016): 1-12. DOI

10. A. Qureshi, B. Li and K.T. Tan*. Numerical investigation of band gaps in 3D printed cantilever in mass metamaterials, Scientific Reports 6 (2016): 28314. DOI 

9. Z. Ma, J. Chen, B. Li, Z. Li and X. Su*. Dispersion analysis of Lamb waves in composite laminates based on reverberation-ray matrix method, Composite Structures 136 (2016): 419-429. DOI

8. E. Li*, Z.C. He, Y. Jiang and B. Li. 3D mass-redistributed finite element method in structural–acoustic interaction problems, Acta Mechanica 227 (2016): 857-879. DOI 

7. B. Li, L. Ye*, E. Li, D. Shou, Z. Li and L. Chang. Gapped smoothing algorithm applied to defect identification using pulsed thermography, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation 30 (2015): 171-195. DOI

6. Y. Liu, W. Liu, B. Li and X. Su*. Transformation method to control shear horizontal waves, International Journal of Applied Mechanics 7 (2015): 18p. DOI

5. B. Li, L. Ye*, Z. Li, Z. Ma and H. Kalhori. Quantitative identification of delamination at different interfaces using guided wave signals in composite laminates, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 34 (2015): 1506-1525. DOI 

4. E. Li*, Z.C. He, L. Chen, B. Li, X. Xu and G.R. Liu. An ultra-accurate hybrid smoothed finite element method for piezoelectric problem, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 50 (2015): 188-197. DOI

3. B. Li, Z. Li*, J. Zhou, L.Ye and E. Li. Damage localization in composite lattice truss core sandwich structures based on vibration characteristics, Composite Structures 126 (2015): 34-51. DOI

2. B. Li, Y. Liu, K. Gong and Z. Li*. Damage localization in composite laminates based on a quantitative expression of anisotropic wavefront, Smart Materials and Structures 22 (2013): 065005. DOI

1. B. Li, Z. Li*, Y. Liu. Influence of excitation pulse signal on circular ring damage detection based on guided circumferential wave, Journal of Experimental Mechanics 27 (2012): 607-617. In Chinese. DOI



Conference Publications/Presentations

36. J. Gan, E. Ji, B. Li*. Investigation on impact resistance of hierarchical lightweight lattice structure, 2022 International Symposium on Aerospace Engineering and Systems (ISAES 2022), Changsha, On-line (2022).


35. L. Xu, X. Cao, X. Cui, B. Li*. Vibration Attenuation Performance of Meta-lattice Sandwich Structures with Truss-cores, 2022 International Symposium on Aerospace Engineering and Systems (ISAES 2022), Changsha, On-line (2022).

34. Y. Hu, B. Li*. Wavefront Steering and Vibration Isolation Based on Elastic Metasurfaces (基于弹性超表面的波前调控与振动隔绝), 首届全国“先进结构工程科学”博士生学术论坛, At Beijing, China (2021).

33. B. Li, Y. Hu, Y. Liu, M. Zhao, Z. Li, Asymmetric Elastic-wave Transmission in a Lossless Metasurface, The 11th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META 2021), On-line (2021).

32. B. Li*, E. Li, Y. Liu, Compact Elastic Metamaterial Structures for Vibration and Elastic-wave Control, The 12th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2021, Keynote Presentation)at the Cloud (2021).

31. H. Li, J. Chen, B. Li*, Additively Manufactured Meta-lattice Sandwich Plates for Broadband Lowfrequency Vibration Suppression, The 12th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2021)at the Cloud (2021).

30. Y. Hu, M. Zhao, B. Li*, Broadband Elastic Metasurface for Extraordinary Wavefront Manipulations, The 12th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2021)at the Cloud (2021).

29. Y. Hu, Y. Zhang, G. Su, Y, Liu, B. Li*. 基于无损耗超构表面的弹性波非对称传播与全方位隔绝, The 16th National Conference of Experimental Mechanics (NCEM 2021)At Jiaxing, China (2021).

28. H. Li, J. Chen, M. Zhao, B. Li*. 轻质超材料点阵结构设计及低频宽带减振特性研究, The 16th National Conference of Experimental Mechanics (NCEM 2021), At Jiaxing, China (2021).

27. Y. Hu, M. Zhao, B. Li*, Y. Liu, Z. Li. A lossless metasurface for asymmetric elastic-wave transmission, 中国力学学会首届全国力学博士生学术论坛, At Beijing, China (2020).

26. H. Li, Y. Hu, H. Huang, J. Chen, M. Zhao, B. Li*. Meta-lattice sandwich structures for broadband vibration suppression, 中国力学学会首届全国力学博士生学术论坛At Beijing, China (2020).

25. B. Li, A Double-Zero-Index Elastic Metamaterial for Wave-Front Shaping. The 2nd International Conference on Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures (ICMAMS 2019), At Nanjing, China (2019).


24. B. Li, S. Alamri and K. T. Tan. Asymmetric elastic-wave transmission in metacomposite structures. The 22nd International Conference on Composites Materials (ICCM22), At Melbourne, Australia (2019).


23. B. Li, Z. Li, J. Christensen, K.T. Tan*. Elastic wave control in double-zero-index elastic metamaterials. The 10th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META2019), At Lisbon, Portugal (2019).

22. M. Elamin, B. Li, and K.T. Tan. Effect of Low Temperature on the Post-Impact Compression Response of Composite Sandwich Structures, Conference Proceeding for 18th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM-18), Athens, Greece (2018).

21.B. Li, S. Alamri, and K.T. Tan. Broadband asymmetric wave transmission in dissipative acoustic/elastic metamaterials with diatomic oscillators. 175th Acoustical Society of America (ASA) Spring Meeting, At Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA (2018).

20. S. Alamri, B. Li, and K.T. Tan. Impact wave attenuation using Maxwell-type oscillators in dissipative elastic metamaterials. 175th Acoustical Society of America (ASA) Spring Meeting, At Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA (2018).


19. M. jaberzadeh, B. Li, and K.T. Tan. On the behavior of acoustic/elastic metamaterials with anisotropic mass density. 175th Acoustical Society of America (ASA) Spring Meeting, At Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA (2018). 


18. K.T. Tan, M. Elamin and B. Li. Impact Damage Mechanisms of Composite Sandwich Structures in Arctic Condition, ASME 2017 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), At Tampa, Florida, USA  (2017).

17. K.T. Tan, M. Elamin and B. Li. Impact Performance and Damage Behavior of Composite Sandwich Structures in Arctic Condition, American Society for Composites 32nd Technical Conference, At Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA (2017).


16. M. Elamin, B. Li and K.T. Tan. Effect of Low Temperature on Impact Behavior of Composite Sandwich Structures, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-21), At Xi-An, China (2017).


15. B. Li, K.T. Tan and J. Christensen. Investigation of Locally Resonant Nanophononic Metamaterials with Ultralow Thermal Conductivity, 8th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META2017), At Incheon, South Korea (2017).


14. B. Li, S. Alamri and K.T. Tan. Control of Asymmetric Wave Transmission in Multiple Frequency Bands Using Elastic Metamaterials, PHONONICS 2017: 4th International Conference on Phononic Crystals/Metamaterials, Phonon Transport/Coupling and Topological Phononics, At Changsha, China (2017).

13. K.T. Tan, B. Li and M.M. Khan. Acoustic/Elastic Metamaterials: A Novel Solution to Impact Problems, PHONONICS 2017: 4th International Conference on Phononic Crystals/Metamaterials, Phonon Transport/Coupling and Topological Phononics, At Changsha, China (2017).

12. K.T. Tan, M. Elamin and B. Li. Impact Behavior of Composite Sandwich Structures in Arctic Condition, ASME 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering (OMAE), At Trondheim, Norway (2017).

11. K.T. Tan, M. Elamin and B. Li. Impact Damage of Composite Sandwich Structures in Arctic Condition, 2nd SEA-Japan Conference on Composite Materials (2nd SEA-JCCM), At Tokyo, Japan (2017).


10. K.T. Tan and B. Li. Unidirectional Wave Transmission in a Diatomic Acoustic Metamaterial, The 5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) and the Acoustical Society of Japan (ASJ), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (2016).           


9. K.T. Tan, M.M. Khan and B. Li. Impact Mitigation and Protection using Metacomposites with Negative Effective Mass, ASME 2016 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), At Phoenix, Arizona, USA (2016).


8. M. Jaberzadeh, B. Li and K.T. Tan. Numerical Analysis of Wave Motion Through Acoustic/Elastic Metamaterial with Anisotropic Effective Mass Density, ASME 2016 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), At Phoenix, Arizona, USA (2016).


7. B. Li and K.T. Tan. Energy Absorption and Impact Response of Meta-lattice Truss Core Sandwich PanelsProceedings of the American Society for Composites: Thirty-First Technical Conference, At Williamsburg, Virginia, USA (2016).


6. B. Li and K.T. Tan. Response of Meta-lattice Truss Core Sandwich Structures Subjected to Impulsive Loadings, 11th International Conference on Sandwich Structures, ICSS-11, At Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA (2016).


5. H. Kalhori, L. Ye, Z. Li and B. Li. Identification of location and magnitude of impact force on a composite sandwich structure with lattice truss core, ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE), At Houston, Texas, USA (2015).


4. B. Li and J. Zhou, K. Feng and Z. Li. Damage localization in composite lattice truss core sandwich structures based on a curvature mode shape, 10th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring 2015, At Stanford University Stanford, CA, USA (2015).


3. B. Li, L. Ye, E. Li, D. Shou, M. Hasib and Z. Li. Gapped smoothing method applied to defect evaluation using pulse thermography, 2nd International Conference on Advances in Structural Health Management and Composite Structure, At Jeonju, South Korea (2015).


2. D. Shou, L.Ye, J. Fan, B. Li and C. Sun. Unidirectional water transfer across a bio-inspired fabric, Fiber Society Fall 2014 Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA (2014). 


1. J. Chen, Z. Li and B. Li. Damage size identification method based on Lamb waves, 13th International Conference on Fracture (ICF13), At Beijing, China (2013). 

Invited Talks/Presentations


17. B. Li. Round-Table Workshop: Challenges and Opportunities for "Lightweight Multifunctional Aerospace Structures", The 2022 International Symposium on Aerospace Engineering and Systems (ISAES2022), On-line (2022).

16. B. Li, Y. Hu, Y. Liu, M. Zhao, Z. Li, Asymmetric Elastic-wave Transmission in a Lossless Metasurface, The 11th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META 2021), On-line (2021).

15. B. Li, E. Li, Y. Liu, Compact Elastic Metamaterial Structures for Vibration and Elastic-wave Control, The 12th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2021, Keynote Presentation)at the Cloud (2021).

14. B. Li. Structural design & dynamic response of elastic metamaterials and metasurfaces, Composites & Green Aerospace Workshop, Taicang, Jiangsu (2021).

13. B. Li. Elastic-wave control based on metamaterials & metasurfaces, Young Scholar Salon on Solid Mechanics (固体力学青年学术沙龙), online salon (2020).

12. B. Li. Asymmetric elastic-wave transmission in elastic metamaterial structures, AMAE&SAASE2020, Chengdu China (2020).

11. B. Li. Structural design & dynamic response of elastic/mechanical metamaterials, Peking University, 2018 Peking University Engineering Science Forum for International Young Scholars, Beijing China (2018).


10. B. Li. Structural dynamic response of elastic/mechanical metamaterials, Xiamen University, Xiamen University Nanqiang Forum for International Young Scholars, Xiamen China (2018).


9. B. Li. Structural design & dynamic response of elastic/mechanical metamaterials, Xi’an Jiaotong University, 2017 Silk Road International Symposium for Distinguished Young Scholar, Xi’an China (2017).

8.B. Li. Structural design & dynamic response of elastic/mechanical metamaterials, Northwestern Polytechnical University, School of Astronautics, Xi'an, China (2017).


7. B. Li, K.T. Tan and J. Christensen. Investigation of Locally Resonant Nanophononic Metamaterials with Ultralow Thermal Conductivity, 8th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META2017), At Incheon, South Korea (2017).


6. B. Li. Dynamic response of elastic/mechanical metamaterials, Beihang University, Beihang University Vision Forum for International Young Scholars, Beijing, China (2017).


5. B. Li. Dynamic response of elastic and nanophononic metamaterials, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou University Forum for International Young Scholars, Guangzhou, China (2017).


4. B. LiControl of elastic wave propagation in mechanical metamaterials, Wuhan University, The 4th International Forum for Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering, Wuhan, China (2017/04).


3. B. LiDynamic response of mechanical/acoustic metamaterials, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Zijin Forum for International Distinguished Young Scholars, Nanjing, China (2017/04).


2. B. Li. Research on wave motion and vibration in composite structures and mechanical metamaterials, Northwestern Polytechnical University, organized by the School of Aeronautics, Xi'an, China (2016/12).


1. B. Li. Dynamic response analysis of composite structures and acoustic/elastic metamaterials, Sun Yat-Sen University, organized by the School of Engineering, Guangzhou, China (2016/12).


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