Damage Identification Based on Lamb Waves
1. A quantitative expression of anisotropic wave front was proposed to reveal the direction dependency of Lamb wave propagation in composite laminates;
2. On basis of the wave-front equation, a reliable and efficient detection approach for damage localization in composite laminates was developed;
3. Proposed a detection method to quantitatively identify the interface and size of a delamination, even though the delamination interface was not pre-given.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3
Read the full article(s):
1. B. Li, Y. Liu, K. Gong and Z. Li. Damage localization in composite laminates based on a quantitative expression of anisotropic wavefront, Smart Materials and Structures 22 (2013): 065005.
2. B. Li, L. Ye, Z. Li, Z. Ma and H. Kalhori. Quantitative identification of delamination at different interfaces using guided wave signals in composite laminates, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 34 (2015): 1506-1525.
3. Z. Ma, J. Chen, B. Li, Z. Li and X. Su. Dispersion analysis of Lamb waves in composite laminates based on reverberation-ray matrix method, Composite Structures 136 (2016): 419-429.
4. B. Li, Z. Li, Y. Liu. Influence of excitation pulse signal on circular ring damage detection based on guided circumferential wave, Journal of Experimental Mechanics 27 (2012): 607-617. In Chinese.