Biographical Sketch
A warm welcome to Dr. Bing Li’s Homepage
Dr. Li’s research expertise and interests are in the broad field of Solid Mechanics and Structural Design, in particular, the structural dynamics and dynamical responses of meta-composite materials. Through the development of analytical methods, exploitation of numerical simulation and verification using experimental testing, Dr. Li’s has been focusing on wave motion, vibration and impact dynamics of advanced composite structures and elastic/mechanical/nanophononic metamaterials. Aim at addressing the challenges of designing passive and active macro-micro-nanoscale metamaterials that affect/manipulate/control wave propagation; and understanding the interaction mechanisms between structural dynamics and microstructures/inhomogeneity, his research work emphasizes impactful results for practical applications in aerospace, structural and defense engineering, especially including elastic wave control, vibration/wave attenuation, structural health monitoring, nondestructive testing and evaluation, thermal conductivity manipulation and energy harvesting, among others.
Latest news
Apr 15, 2022
Welcome new undergraduate student
Zizhen joined our group to conduct her undergraduate project. Welcome!

Apr 15, 2022
Welcome new PhD student
Bochen joined our group as a PhD student. Welcome!

Apr 9, 2022
Master graduation
Congratulations to Hao for his master graduation.Well done!

Mar 9, 2022
Master defence
Congratulations to Hao for passing his master defence.Well done!

Mar 1, 2022
NPU PhD Innovation Fund
Yabin is awarded the NPU PhD Innovation Fund for 2022. Congratulations! Thanks for the support from NPU.

Feb 25, 2022
Paper accepted in Communications Physics
Feb 19, 2022
ISAES 2022
Dr. Li attended The 2022 International Symposium on Aerospace Engineering and Systems (ISAES 2022) as the Conference Chairman.

Feb 14, 2022
Paper accepted in EML
A collaboration work with Prof.Yongquan Liu and Prof. Tiejun Wang has been published in Extreme Mechanics Letters.
Jan 10, 2022
Paper accepted in International Journal of Dynamics and Control
A collaboration work with Dr. Hamed Kalhori has been published in International Journal of Dynamics and Control.

Jan 08, 2022
ISAES 2022
We sincerely invite researchers and colleagues to attend The 2022 International Symposium on Aerospace Engineering and Systems (ISAES 2022), which will be held in Changsha, China, Feb. 18-20, 2022. Dr. Li is invited as the Conference Chairman of ISAES 2022.
Nov 20, 2021
Yabin attended the 1st National Conference on Advanced Structural Engineering Science for Ph.D. Candidates and presented a work.

Recent Publications
Y. Hu, Y. Zhang, G. Su, M. Zhao, B. Li*, Y. Liu*, Z. Li. Realization of ultrathin waveguides by elastic metagratings, Communications Physics 5, 62 (2022). DOI
Y. Zhang, Z. Sha, G. Su, H. Zhou, P. Jiang, Y. Liu*, B. Li, T. Wang*. Ultra-compact metafence to block and channel mechanical waves, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 52, (2022): 101659. DOI
H. Kalhori*, A. Shooshtari, S. Tashakori, B. Li. Mechanical behavior of a rectangular capacitive micro-plate subjected to an electrostatic load, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, (2022). DOI
H. Huang, E. Cao, M. Zhao, S. Alamri and B. Li*. Spider-web-inspired lightweight membrane-type acoustic metamaterials for broadband low-frequency sound isolation, Polymers, 13(7), 1146 (2021). DOI
H. Li, Y. Hu, H. Huang, J. Chen, M. Zhao and B. Li*. Broadband low-frequency vibration attenuation in 3D printed composite meta-lattice sandwich structures, Composites Part B, 215,108772 (2021). DOI
B. Li, C. Zhang, F. Peng, W. Wang, B.D. Vogt and K.T. Tan. 4D Printed Shape Memory Metamaterial for Vibration Bandgap Switching and Active Elastic-Wave Guiding, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 9, 1164-1173 (2021, Front Cover). DOI
M. Elamin, B. Li and K.T. Tan*. Compression After Impact Performance of Carbon-Fiber Foam-Core Sandwich Composites in Low Temperature Arctic Conditions, Composite Structures, 261, 113568 (2021), DOI
X. Zhang, X. Chao, L. Lou, J. Fan, Q. Chen, B. Li, L. Ye and D. Shou*. Personal thermal management by thermally conductive composites: A review, Composites Communications (2020): 100595. DOI
B Li, Y Hu, J Chen, G Su, Y Liu, M Zhao, Z Li. Efficient asymmetric transmission of elastic waves in thin plates with lossless metasurfaces, Physical Review Applied, 14, 054029 (2020). DOI
F Zhang, F Shen, B Li, B Yuan, B Li. A Comparison Investigation on Cylinder Test in Different Ambient Media by Experiment and Numerical Simulation, International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, (2020). DOI
M.H. Khan, B. Li and K.T. Tan. Impact Performance and Bending Behavior of Carbon-Fiber Foam-Core Sandwich Composite Structures in Cold Arctic Temperature, Journal of Composites Science, 4: 133 (2020). DOI
H Kalhori, MM Alamdari, B Li, B Halkon, SM Hosseini, L Ye, Z L. Concurrent Identification of Impact Location and Force Magnitude on a Composite Panel, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2020. DOI
S. Alamri, B. Li*, G. Mchugh, N. Garafolo and K.T. Tan* . Dissipative diatomic metamaterials for broadband asymmetric elastic-wave transmission, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 451(2019): 120-137. DOI
M. Jaberzadeh, B. Li and K.T. Tan. Wave Propagation in an Elastic Metamaterial with Anisotropic Effective Mass Density, Wave Motion, 89(2019): 131-141. DOI
B. Li, Z. Li, J. Christensen and K.T. Tan. Dual Dirac cones in elastic Lieb-like lattice metamaterials, Applied Physics Letters, 114 (2019): 081906. DOI
S Li., Y. Dou, J. Xu, T. Chen, B. Li, and F. Zhang (2019). Designing a broad locally-resonant bandgap in a phononic crystals. Physics Letters A, Accepted for publication.
S. Li, Y.,Dou, T. Chen, Z. Wan, J. Huang, B. Li and F. Zhang. Evidence for complete low-frequency vibration band gaps in a thick elastic steel metamaterial plate. Modern Physics Letters B (2019): 1950038. DOI
M. Elamin, B. Li and K.T. Tan. Impact Performance of Stitched and Unstitched Composites in Extreme Low Temperature Arctic Conditions, Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials 4 (2018): 317-327. DOI
M.H. Khan, M. Elamin, B. Li* and K.T. Tan* . X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography Analysis of Impact Damage Morphology in Composite Sandwich Structures due to Cold Temperature Arctic Condition, Journal of Composite Materials 52(2018):3509-3522. DOI
B. Li, K.T. Tan and J. Christensen. Heat conduction tuning by hyperbranched nanophononic metamaterials, Journal of Applied Physics 123 (2018): 205105. DOI
B. Li, S. Alamri and K.T. Tan. A diatomic elastic metamaterial for tunable asymmetric wave transmission in multiple frequency bands, Scientific Reports 7(2017): 6226. DOI
B. Li, K.T. Tan, J. Christensen. Tailoring the thermal conductivity in nanophononic metamaterials, Physical Review B 95 (2017): 144305. DOI
M.H. Khan, B. Li and K.T. Tan. Impact load Wave transmission in elastic metamaterials, International Journal of Impact Engineering 118 (2018): 50-59. DOI
B. Li, S. Alamri, and K.T. Tan. Broadband asymmetric wave transmission in dissipative acoustic/elastic metamaterials with diatomic oscillators, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 143 (2018): 1918. DOI
M. Elamin, B. Li* and K.T. Tan*. Impact Damage of Composite Sandwich Structures in Arctic Condition, Composite Structures 192 (2018): 422-433. DOI
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